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Draw Hand.

The following is a baseline direction to begin with. The most important thing to communicate is that - for a dynamic archer - you do not apply an anchor point to be able to consistently strike accurately - you can draw and anchor anywhere and then put the bows power into the shaft; this means you have to practice to attain good aim.  Your draw hand should pull first to full draw of the shaft - on most shots. Wherever this draw ends, beyond the ear, into you chest, under your shoulder, it should leave your bow arm still well bent and ready to push the arrow into flight. Do not push the bow into a full draw while your draw hand sitts locked stationary. Coming to full draw is important as you want the limbs to do a good 90% of the work on the arrow. When you depend too much on an "arrow spur" or other hand techniques to add power to the arrow - becuase you arent letting the limbs do the work - you end up shooting inaccurately, reducing potential power to the shaft, and or ruinin

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