The Art of Giving.

The gods dont want our fingers, or food to go to waste by being thrown into a fire, or our finest arrows to be thrown into the water. These are examples of sacrifices that were made to the gods. Reading or seeing these I am left to wonder where and how these rituals began.

If you have a fleet of dump haulers, you wouldn’t give it to a nun; items have to be given to people that need them, at the time that they need them. If you know that an animal under your care needs meat, you know that without supplamented vitamines, like the ones you take, the animal cant thrive like you without the same supplament. If you know that the best thing for you is the organs and the muscle meat, then both must be present.

If the gods wanted our fingers, or for us to whip ourselves, why were we born with the fingers or a scarless back? However, suffering is part of spiritual growth. I suspect the natives mangled the bodies of many animals, carelessly or by accident, and were lead to endure the same suffering, indiced by their own hands. It appears a fact that throughout human existence, awareness of the force of karma has be a tool which makes us learn to connect and empathize through suffering.

When giving, with the goal of charity, the challenge is to know what is needed and to put an effort in giving it.


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