
Showing posts from February, 2023

Calling a car for help on a busy road.

Warning on Rubber Boots

How a Fire Is Like A Relationship



Starting a Fire in a Difficult Place

The Pemicake Preserve (make a pemican bundle)

Dry-Grass Fire Starter

What to do with a game hide.

Keep dry in snowy or rainy conditions

How I Hunt and Notes On Hunting

Suggestion for FAST, natural footwear.

Snow Moccasins

Why the modern foods one immediately craves makes you sick.

Vehicle Keys, Battery, and other tips.

The Quick Smoke

Risk Assessment of The Wild

How I Sew Using Sinew.

How to settle your nerves in a difficult situation.

Plastic Bag and Freezer Free Meat Preservation: Drying (includes effects of storage on meat preserves)