Risk Assessment of The Wild

"Dont touch that mushroom - its poisonous", "Dont go into or sleep in the woods - wolves will eat you (or bear or cougar)", "Dont go near the ants - they bite", "Dont go near the mice - they all have diseases" "Dont eat the trees - you'll be poisoned". Name it, if it exists, someone who had no experience with has issued a hazard associated with it; this approach, given the technological gifts of our species, has had and a devastating effect on our environment, and it returns to us.

Wild animals won't harm you. You are as appealing to a bear or wolf as the bark of a tree is to you. In other words, you may eat it if you know it's edible AND you are absolutely staving, but you will pass on it and likely starve because it will most likely harm you. 

You cant eat ALL mushrooms, but their are A-LOT of wild mushrooms you can eat.

To me, a real danger of the great out doors is exposure - cold, heat, and bugs; all the animals are fighting these same dangers; also, a lack of food. 

Our fears can be interpreted as we no longer being deserving of the gift before us. Unlock the work and reap the reward of the gifts before us. Conquer ourselves - concquer fear and glutoney of the material, reap the reward of experience.

I feel the only thing to fear is weakness - but the feeling does not come at you with a stick or stone - learn to conquer and master feeling.

Always ask, "What is the worst that could happen?" then just do it like there is no tomorrow. 


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