On Arrow Maintenance

If you are repairing your fletichng frequently and tearing through the stave guard with them, you will need to adjust your bow hand during the relese. You need to tourqu it somewhat and move the stave away from the exiting arrow.

The quality of an archer is heavily related to his craftsmanship and attention to the mantence of his arrows.

Fully fletched, straighter, rigid shafts fly better and hit a target, more often than arrows which lack these features.

If you use self made shafts, this is CRITICAL.

The two rules of an arrow are: it must have a reasonable amount of feather fletching (these dont have to be perfectly symmetrical between arrows or even feathers on the same arrow) and the shaft must be straight and rigid (over spined). 

There is no point in practicing with arrows that are crooked. Over time, the bends you heated straight may reappear and must be tuned straight again. A crooked shaft (even a slight bend that makes the nock, tip and middle three non linear points) will not fly to your favour and lack predictable control.

The fletching is needed to straighten your shafts in flight and keep flight of your arrows predictable. Too much feathering will slow down the shaft but straighten the shaft sooner. Too little or uneven fletching will guide the arrow to more easily fly in unpredictable ways. Strip and refletch a shaft as soon as possible if the feathers are reasonably damaged.

If you have glued your fletching using hide glue, soak the area where glued, allow the glue to soften, then whipe away the glue.

Make sure that all arrow fletching are providing near equal resistance or coverage, or the imbalance will effect the flight.

If your shafts are not striking true for one of the top mentioned reasons, they must not be used while hunting game. You cannot hunt if your arrows will strike the target crooked or can fly in unpredictably. Use more fletch with hunting arrows.

If you have a powerful bow you can break a nock on an arrow at the cast. Sinew or thread wrap your shaft just bellow the nock groove to ensure a robust nock.


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