Dealing with Ticks

Rip them out is your first step. In Canada, grab what of the bug you can and pull it out with your fingers. If something is left behind - oh well - youll recover, so don't  worry about it. I’ve had a few ticks that were dug in.

If you see a tick - kill it. Moose have been devastated by the pest such that most over a year old loose enormous ammounts of their fur to infestation, enduring the cold winters without the warmth of protection. 

I think the rise in tick proliferation is tied to global warming.

Lyme decease which can be transmitted by the black legged tick, has several symptoms and must be professionally treated. Symptoms are fever, headache, and swelling in the bite area. As these ticks don’t live in west Canada; I don’t worry about tick transmitted viruses. 


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