On Fast Archery or Speed Shooting

“Speed shooting" archery is a style of archery - popularize by Lars Anderson - where you knock, draw, and fire arrows at a rapid pace; it is also typicaly practiced while holding your other shafts in the hand which is also drawing the string (but this is not always the case).

The style of a cultures archy, as with many of that cultures features, is a product of the environment in which it appears. 

Take the cable backed bow and the composite bow as examples. The former is a bow "backed" with a sinew cable, not glued to the bows surface; it was used among primative Inutit cultures and to a lesser extent by other primatovr non arctic dwelling cultures; the reason for this is due to the difficulty of using animal derived glues in cold climates - making the glue and maintaining the gules fluid viscosity long enough for it to saturate sinew fibers; these are problems which are not as difficult to deal with in environments where composite bows appeare such as the Steps of Mongolia, or further south in areas of North America.

Fast archery - not used by Intuit (to my knowledge) - would have been a practical skill in an enviroment where you are at war with other people which are also using bows and arrows against you - a skil archer being more than a lethal menace on the field.

I speculate that if you where hunting large, SLOW moving animals, like the extinct wooly rhino or a buffalo, the fast archery skill may have been/is a usfull skill, but not necessarily while hunting a deer.

As a ground hunter being well trained in both holding additional arrows in the draw hand and being able to shoot them accurately eliminates the need for bow quivers and hunting quivers in general.

A primative, isolated tribe, whose name escapes me, who not at war with other primative tribes, which do hunt deer and boar not only shoot one arrow without holding the other arrows in their draw hand, but also shoot on the "inside" of their bows.


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