On Self Employment

In economic uncertainty, and direct paid employment revaluation - what can we do?  To employ ones self is a search within, a commitment to the self, to bring what we preiceve as important, interesting, productive and deliver it to the universe; for many, this task is not easy, particularly since they are used to looking outward for this answer. You may feel comfortable leaving enginueity and the spark of creativity to those you think are better at the task. When I was young, I thought I was as valuable as a cog in a machine and was limited to the one repetitive task I could offer at my simple job.

To be self employed and self initiateing:

We look within and find our strengths. We take those strengths and ask ourselfves to develop new ones, and then, bravely, bring that drive and energy back to our enviroment in what only we can maintain is a productive and positive way. It is within us to make a contract with ourselves, and deliver that to the universe. 

You must be bisaplined, diserning, initiating, and also have faith; that it will work and if committed - no matter what - - will get better at it. Better at the tasks, organizing, and better at bennifiting others and claiming the paycheck.

You will be faught and you will feel the pain within - but never give up.

Employ yourself and be rewarded accordingly. Your value increases as your skills become mastered (this can be anything) and your experience broadens. It seems characteristic, as a Capricorn, to write, that as your age incearseas, so too will your practical value - particularly if you maintain the freedom of self employment.


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