What it is to be wild.

Wild is being able too act independently and autonomously and to self regulate. 

You can not command the wild in what to do in the form of an order as this violates autonomy of both you and the other. You may force your position, but not receive a true submission. 

Wolves have a hierarchy, but the individual wolf chooses to join the group and accept their position as the result. The wolf evolved the perspective that as a team, that they are stronger. 

I believe that the individual ant has so many years of evolution forcing it to think- “live for the colony”. They have an independent sense of self preservation and act independently (I think) without taking orders, knowing that they act for themselves, as a part of their whole - the colony. 

With the wild you can only share your perspective and experience theirs. You can’t force them to serve yours without a criminal level of abuse - a violation and defilement of the wilds nature, a crime to nature, and ultimately, a loss to you and it.

The wild has no police to curse them; they are already cursed by nature and know how to police themselves.

The concept of ordering, is a violation which follows the crime of domestication, through human history and in your day to day.


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